What We Deliver
Tax planning for transactions, new ventures, mergers and acquisitions
We assist our clients and their advisers to:
- Structure transactions to ensure the best tax outcome taking into account the impact of ALL relevant taxes
- Understand the tax implications of mergers and acquisitions
- Ensure that new ventures are set up in the most tax effective manner, and draft the necessary agreements and deeds
- Restructure organisations for growth and change, and
- Understand the taxation implications of employee share scheme arrangements.
Recent assignment 1:
A company wished to sell a large block of land to a developer. The developer could not afford to purchase the land and wished to undertake the development without purchasing the land and pay much of the purchase price from the sale of the proposed strata units. This would have caused our client income tax and GST problems.
We restructured the deal so that it became more like a traditional sale of the land, with the purchaser paying off the purchase over 12 months, whilst carrying out the development. We also obtained a ruling from the Tax Office that the sale of the land was GST-free, because the sale would be subject to a lease to a demolition contractor.
In this matter we liaised with the company’s solicitor (a partner in a major Sydney law firm) and assisted in negotiations between the developer and its financiers.
The circumstances outlined in this example are specific to the clients concerned and should not be taken as applying to other situations.